In our analysis, few Amazon buyers leave feedback for transactions. Users, however, are much more likely to leave negative feedback for a transaction than positive feedback if everything goes smoothly. By sending friendly, meaningful, and automatic review reminders, you can significantly increase that rate. With more positive responses, it will reduce the unfavorable effect of potential negative feedbacks or reviews.
Definitely! You can compose a message containing anything you want--as long as it follows Amazon's selling rules. Many users find feedBAKER useful for reinforcing their brand by displaying their name and logo to buyers several times. Some sellers just like the ability to let the buyer know their product is out for delivery and to make sure it arrives. Some customers like using feedBAKER for educating customers by providing instructional content using attachments. At its core, the service is really a general-purpose automatic messaging system.
We support as of now.
We allow you to create as many messages as you want. Your messages can be for specific products, brands, fulfillment channels, conditions--whatever you need.
We encourage it! Although feedBAKER was originally created to target seller feedback, it has since evolved into supporting product review requests using our email variables.
Yes! feedBAKER has the capability to send messages to orders dating back 60 days prior to you signing up. It cannot date further back than 60 days. This is done to comply with Amazon’s rules about keeping messages relevant to a transaction and preventing accidental or intentional abuse of our system.
Yes! feedBAKER will automatically begin working for all FBA order events.
All messages sent through feedBAKER go through Amazon's Buyer-Seller messaging system. The messages originate from feedBAKER and are sent to Amazon's email system using the special email address that you see for the buyers (they look like this: Amazon's system will then put your seller name and a similar cryptic-looking email address in the From address and send that to the buyer. The messages sent through feedBAKER will always have your proper Amazon selling name when viewed by the buyer. However, customers will not have access to your personal contact information.
Each message you create has the ability to filter out buyers who have already left seller feedback. This allows you to create feedback reminder messages, excluding buyers who have already left feedback.
Our flexible message format allows you to completely customize the content of the messages sent to buyers; creating a personable, relevant, useful message to the buyer will improve the customer experience. You are able to include everything from a buyer’s name to their tracking information.
Absolutely! Our system has the ability to target certain SKUs, ASINs, or SKU groups at a template level.
Not all all! There are a few steps to follow for this process to be seamless. If you are switching from a different feedback service, you can read more about this process from our eVanik Academy .
Yes, feedBAKER can send special templates to repeat buyers, as well as exclude them from receiving a template you only want going to first-time buyers. This feature is at a template level so you can select who each message is intended for--a repeat buyer or first time buyer.
Your templates can definitely be configured to handle each individual brand separately, with the ability to make each template product-specific and being able to add your own logo for each. If you are creating multiple brands on feedBAKER, you can read more about this process from our eVanik Academy.
All buyer communication goes through Amazon's buyer-seller messaging system. You can see messages sent by feedBAKER in the Sent Messages section of Seller Central. Use this link or log in to Seller Central and click on Messages in the top-right corner, then on the Sent Messages tab in the main body of the page. The messages sent from feedBAKER should be displayed there, along with any other messages you've sent to buyers.
Yes, your messages are completely customizable. Part of that customization includes the ability to add in your own custom HTML. So long as it is in within Amazon's guidelines, you can include your own custom HTML and add images, borders, etc.