Why hasn't my message sent?

Why hasn't my message sent?

If you think an order should have sent a message or a campaign hasn't sent enough messages there are a number of things to check. These are the common reasons messages haven't sent,

    • Seller Central Email Address
      You'll need to make sure that your 'Amazon Seller Central email' is correctly set on your Preferences Screen (Settings > Preferences). If this is not set or incorrect, your messages won't be able to send. Just update this to allow them to send.
Campaign Status - Draft or Test
Your campaign is still in Draft or Test Mode. Double check and make sure your campaign has been moved into 'Live Mode'. If not, move it into Live Mode, and your messages will start sending to customers.

  • Only one message per goal type
    Your customer can only get 1 message per campaign goal type, this helps avoid accidentally spamming your customer which can have a higher risk of creating negative feedback. If you have two campaigns for with the same goal (i.e, feedback), then only one will be sent to the customer.

  • Give it some time
    If you're only recently gone live, please give it an hour for your first messages to start to send. It can take an hour before your first messages get dispatched. Note, if you set your messages to go at a specific time of the day, you'll need to wait until after that time to see them send.

  • Amazon quota reached
    Amazon only allows you to send so many messages through your Amazon account in a day. Learn more about this here, If you reach this limit we'll stop sending messages and display a warning on your Dashboard. 

  • feedBAKER Plan Limit
    Your feedBAKER account comes with so many emails per month depending on your plan. Your trial account also comes with 100 emails per month. If you reach this limit we'll stop sending emails until your next billed or choose to upgrade your account. You can see the number of emails you've sent on the bottom of your dashboard or by going to 'Channels'.

  • Include and Exclude Settings
    You have set in your campaign to include only or exclude specific skus. Please note that only 1 email can be sent per order if a customer has ordered multiple items. The system can then only select 1sku per order which may not necessarily be the sku you have selected.

  • Check your settings
    One of the most common reason that an order has yet to send is the message isn't due to send it yet based on your campaign settings. You should always check your campaign settings and try to work out when the order's message would be scheduled to go. Please find an example timeline below,

    May 1st: Order Received
    May 3rd: Order Dispatched
    May 10th: Order delivered
    May 20th: Message sent (As campaign set to sent 10 days after delivery)

    As you can see, it can be a while after you get the order that the message is sent, depending on your settings. You can see when feedBAKER plan to send your messages by going to 'Campaigns', and the 'Pending' tab. Here you can see messages due to go in the future and can also filter these by Campaign or order if you're unsure.

If you're still having any trouble with your messages sending, please do get in touch with the Support Team (+91 844 844 7712) and they'll be happy to take a look at it for you.

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